Fall is nearing us and that means it’s time to prepare to target those big Rainbow trout in the BC Interior Lakes! Fall fishing offers some of the fastest and productive days on the water. As the cooler temps arrive it triggers the fish to start to feed up for the colder months ahead. Not only is the fishing great in the fall, but you will also find that you will sometimes be the only boat on the water. By following these basic fall flat water fly fishing tactics an angler can improve their success while bearing the cooler autumn elements.
Since the trout are feeding heavily it is important to present them with something that is plentiful and that is readily available. As the season progresses the less hatches occur within the water. At times there will be some small chironomid hatches but they won’t be too plentiful. Really the key to success is presenting flies such as leeches, shrimp, water boatman, wooly buggers and dragon fly nymphs. Leech and Wooly Bugger patterns in darker browns, greens, and blacks with some sort of flash tend to produce best.
As the water temp drops you will find the fish nestled along the shoal lines. As they feed they will be in less than 10 feet of water. Since the fish are shallower, you can use full floating lines with the flies suspended under an indicator or with just a leader and weighted flies.
Casting in towards the shoals and slow retrieving the fly back over the drop of the shoal can produce results. If one chooses to troll, this can be done by slow trolling parallel to the shoal areas and zig zagging off the ledges in no more than 10 feet of water. Keeping your fly close to bottom is vital for good results.
Streamer flies can also produce good fish, especially within larger lakes that have a good amount of forage fish. Fishing mouths of tributaries with streamers can yield good results as the larger trout are looking for easy plentiful meals.
Fall fly fishing can be good all the way up to when the lake is half frozen over so as the season gets later don’t put the rods away too soon! You may miss your chance at catching the fish of a lifetime!
If you have any questions about Fall Fly Fishing please comment below or find us on our BC Fishn’ Facebook Page. Also don’t forget to share your fishing photos by posting them on our Facebook wall!
Tight lines & please take a youth fishing!
Danny Coyne
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