This story was submitted by one of our members, Sonny Covin. After I saw Sonny’s pictures of this unbelievable Walleye fishing trip and then hearing the story that goes along with them I had to share it! Thanks Sonny for submitting the story for us to share! Enjoy readers!

Having made a promise to my friend Mark Prager that I’d take him to Calling Lake for monster walleye I better keep my promise or before Mark becomes an x friend. 🙂
The weather forecast was for South winds at 10 to 15 km. Sunny skies and then backing off 5 to 10 km later in the day. Well it was a great day for fishing I went back to my usual spot and within three minutes of having my bait down I pick up a 70 plus cm walleye. Mark tied on a jig with just a minnow and shortly pulls up another big walleye.
The new regulations for Calling Lake are slot size walleye from 45 cm. to 55 cm. and the fisheries officer monitor the fishery diligently. Some fisherman measure the walleye at the v of the tail and that will get you a ticket. The proper measurement is to the tip of the tail with the tail pinched. I like to keep it no longer than 54 cm. and there is no question at measuring time should there be one by the authorities.
Anyway as the day wore on we were catching big walleye after big walleye. I suggested to Mark that he try a different type of bait and he pulls out a buzz bomb about 2 1/2 inches long and promptly hooks into another big walleye. I go to remove the fish from his hook and notice that the colour is two tone a light green and beige. It flutters when it drops and comes straight up when jigged up. Upon removing the fish the 4 lb. test line breaks and the buzz bomb is gone to the bottom of the lake in the mud. This buzz bomb is free to go up and down the line as there is a hole in the middle of the lure and a rubber grommet is placed at the bottom of the lure so it will not jam the knot and eventually break the line.
So undaunted Mark pulls out another one that is 6 inches long and gets another fish with it right away. I’m sold said I that lure will be part of my tackle box. Suggested colours would be beige and green all beige in colour, light green and yellow. All did the job in catching walleye. Gulp baits were also used with astounding results especially brown worms, Arkansas minnows, gulp leaches being among the favourites. Overall we caught more than 40 walleyes in a 3 1/2 hour period and it pretty much was non stop action for the most part a very enjoyable time on the water.
Our day came to an end at 2:45 when I picked up my anchor. The boat that was a short ways from me was privi to seeing how anchors are brought up on the west coast when we anchor for catching halibut. When we deal with tides that run at sometimes 4 feet per hour and with a 10 to 15 knot wind at times size and shape matters with anchors. For a 24 foot boat a 22 lb. anchor is recommended, also 25 to 30 feet of 1/4 inch galvanize chain is also recommended and as much as 500 to 600 feet of 5/8 nylon rope. A good size Scotsman that will support the anchor and a stainless steel ring that will accommodate the passing of the rope, chain and the anchor shaft.
The idea here is to pull away from the anchor position and the resistance of the scotsman going through the water will be sufficient to bring the anchor under the scotsman. The result is pulling the nylon rope with no weight attached. And does it ever work. The fisherman were wondering what I was up to, so after bringing in the anchor I went over to explain and they were pretty impressed as to the results. As one said when you get to be 65 yrs. old that’s a lot of weight to bringing up from 40 feet.
By 6:00 pm the walleye were filleted and ready for cooking and what a great meal it was. I learned something new most days and today was using a buzz bomb for catching walleye and I thank my buddy Mark Prager for that one.
Tight lines!
– Sonny
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