This past weekend my wife and I wanted to get away from the crowded lakes, and escape from all the people that typically occupy them. So we packed up the truck with the axe, camp chairs, Smokey hot dogs, and our fishing rods to hit the backroads. It’s amazing what a little bit of fresh mountain air can do for the soul.
I spend most of my angling days on my boat exploring every inch of the waters, tracking down fish with the latest electronics and every tool in my tackle box. This weekend was all about simplicity; chasing that instinctual, mystical experience of angling. One of my fondest memories as a child was jumping off the school bus, grabbing my fishing rod and running through the field down to the river. I just could not wait to flip the bail and cast the line into the water hoping to catch the big one!
As we explored the backroads this weekend, we stopped at each little lake that we came across. As soon as we pulled up, I would quickly jump out with my fishing rod in hand and run down to the water. While retrieving my lure I turned back to see my wife smiling at me, she laughed, “you are like a kid today!” I couldn’t help but feel a pleasant smile come across my face. It was at this point I realized that I was rediscovering the innocent feelings of pure joy and anticipation that fishing once gave me as a young boy.
Our little journey became much more than just a simple trip to get away from the crowds. It reminded me that in today’s world it’s too easy to get wrapped up in the hype of untamed expectations when going fishing; to focus simply on results over the joy of process. We are all very quick to post pictures on social media, showing off the day’s triumph in hopes of making our fellow anglers fill full of envy. Let’s face it, it’s easier and more tempting today than ever to brag about our catch to the masses, or to gather detailed information on where to go fishing and exactly how to pursue it. This easy access and instant gratification can cloud our anticipations, raising the bar of expectations for the results of our next fishing adventures.
I remind myself with each cast I make, no matter how prepared I am, that the anticipation and patience for the next strike is what makes for a great fishing adventure. For most of us our passion for angling is, at its heart, driven by the transcendent experiences we shared with our loves ones that once hooked us on fishing in the first place. For myself, the pursuit is motivated by casting a line in hopes to catch that inner kid again.
This coming BC Family Fishing Weekend I encourage each of you to enjoy these precious moments that fishing has created for you and your families. Do not worry about what pictures you’re going to post on social media after the weekend…. simply live within the memory that you are creating. Tight lines!

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